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Article I: Names and Objectives


Section 1:  This organization shall be known as REDWOOD EMPIRE ASSOCIATION OF CODE OFFICIALS (Incorporated), Chapter of the INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL.


Section 2:  The objectives of the organization are:


  1. To be organized and operated for purposes of furthering public safety and welfare in the construction, use and location of buildings and related structures through the promotion and implementation of appropriate building codes and standards;

  2. To place the public welfare above all other interests and to apply the knowledge and skill of the Building Official to the benefit of all;

  3. To research, recommend and promote uniform regulations, legislation and enforcement pertaining to all phases of building construction;

  4. To advise and assist in administration of building laws and advance the professional skills of those engaged in the administration and enforcement of building laws, and

  5. To do all such other things as are incidental to or desirable for the attainment of the above objectives.

Article II: Membership

Section 1:  There shall be three classes of membership;​

  1. General Member

  2. Honorary Member

  3. Group Member



  1. General Member shall mean all individual dues paying members not designated as an Honorary Member, including representatives of industry, government employees and other persons interested in or allied with building construction.

  2. Honorary Member shall mean a member who has rendered outstanding and meritorious service in the advancement of the objectives of the ORGANIZATION and who has been confirmed as an Honorary Member by a majority vote at any meeting. Honorary Members are recognized in perpetuity unless terminated pursuant to item 4 below.

  3. Group Member shall mean at least 2 but no more than 10 individuals who as a group pay dues including; corporate members which represent an association, society, testing laboratory, institute, university, college, manufacturer, company or corporation AND governmental members which represent agencies, departments or units engaged in administration, formulation or enforcement of laws, regulations or ordinances relating to public health, safety and welfare.

  4. The Organization shall promptly take such measures as may be necessary to terminate any person’s or entity’s status as a member of the Organization upon the failure of such person or entity to qualify as a member of the Organization.

  5. All members may attend meetings.  Only members may make or second motions and serve on Organization committees and subcommittees.


Section 2:  Voting:  All members regardless of classification shall be entitled to vote on any matter, except that each Group Membership shall be allowed only one representative vote.

Article III: Officers

Section 1:  The Officers of this Organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Officers shall be members of the Organization.

Section 2:  Duties of the Officers shall be as follows:

  1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Organization, appoint all committees, is responsible for communications and information technologies, and assigns miscellaneous duties not addressed in these Bylaws.

  2. Vice President: The Vice President shall act as parliamentarian, arrange meetings, schedule speakers, verify the monthly financial assets report of the Treasurer, and perform the duties of other officers during their absence.

  3. Secretary: The Secretary shall prepare and distribute the minutes and agendas of all Organization meetings, assist with information technologies, and receive and respond to communications as directed by the President or the Organization.

  4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive, disperse and account for all money and/or property of the Organization, and maintain the Organization exempt status by completing all required reporting/paying/filing of corporation business, for example; CA Registry of Charitable Trusts (RRF-1), CA Statement of Information (SI-100), Business License, and Tax Return.  The Treasurer shall make a report on the Organization’s financial assets at each meeting, collect dues, and maintain membership status and contact information.


Section 3:  Term of office.  The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall take office at the annual business meeting and shall serve until the succeeding annual business meeting.  No officer, other than the Treasurer, shall serve for more than two consecutive terms in the same office.


Section 4:  Manner of Election.

  1. The nomination of officers for the ensuing year shall be done prior to the last regular meeting in each calendar year.

  2. Election of officers shall be done by majority vote of all members attending the last regular meeting in each calendar year.

  3. Voting shall be by open or secret ballot as determined by the President.  In the event of a tie vote for any office, voting on that office shall continue until a determination is made.


Section 5:  Installation of Officers.  Officers shall be installed at the meeting at which they are elected and immediately following the tabulation of the results of the election.


Section 6:  Vacancies.  A vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled by the Vice President.  A vacancy in the office of the Vice President shall be filled by the Secretary.  When a vacancy in the office of the Secretary or the Treasurer occurs, the duties of that office shall be assumed by the Vice President. The Vice President will remain as the Vice President and shall be responsible for the additional interim duties until an election is held on the meeting following the nomination of a replacement to the vacant office, thereby relieving the Vice President of those interim duties.

Article IV: Meetings

​Section 1:  The last regular meeting of the calendar year shall be the annual business meeting.


Section 2:  Regular meetings shall be held monthly at a time and place selected by the membership to transact business as the Organization may elect.  Regular meetings may be canceled or special meetings may be held as and when called by the President or when requested by a majority of all votes cast by the membership.

Article V: Amendments


Section 1:  Proposed amendments of this Constitution and Bylaws may be submitted at any regular or special meeting provided that the proposed amendment or amendments shall be signed by five (5) members of the Organization.  The proposed amendments shall be discussed and all members notified, and shall receive a 2/3 majority of all votes cast by members qualified under Article II and the California Corporations Code Sec 211 and 152, for final adoption.  Upon receipt of affirmative vote to approve the amendment(s), certification of final adoption shall be complete when signed by all current officers of the Organization at the next regular meeting.  The effective date of amendments will be thirty (30) days after certification of final adoption is complete.

Article VI: Dues


Section 1:  Each member, shall be assessed a membership fee in an amount determined by a majority vote of the membership.  The membership may elect to waive or establish membership fees for various classes of membership.  Only those who have paid dues for the current year shall be considered members.

Article VII: Annual Reports


Section 1:  Fiscal Year.  The Fiscal Year of this Organization shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31.


Section 2:  Biennial Audit.  The President shall appoint a committee or auditor to audit the Organization financial records at the end of each even numbered calendar year.  If a new Treasurer assumes office during an odd numbered calendar year, an audit shall also be required for that year.  The audit report shall be announced at the first business meeting of March in the new calendar year.


Section 3:  The Treasurer shall submit a financial report at the annual business meeting.

Article VIII: No Benefits to Any Individual


Section 1:  All Organization property is irrevocably dedicated to public and charitable purposes.  No part of the net earnings of this Organization shall inure to the benefit of any shareholder or individual.  Individuals that are provided educational or other grants by the Organization shall report back to the Organization on the material covered so as to benefit the entire membership.

Article IX: Dissolution of Organization


Section 1:  On the winding up and dissolution of this Organization, after paying or adequately providing for the debts, obligations and liabilities of the Organization, the remaining assets of this Organization shall be distributed to such organization (or organizations) which has established its tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any past or future United States internal revenue law), and which has established its tax exempt status under Section 23701(d) of the California Revenue and Taxation Code (or the corresponding section of any past or future California revenue and tax law).

Article X: Order of Business


Section 1:  Parliamentary procedure shall be guided by Roberts Rules of Order.


Section 2:  The order of business for this Organization shall generally be as follows or as otherwise modified from time to time by the president:


1.      Call to order.

2.      Self-introduction of officers and guests.

3.      Approval of minutes.

4.      Reports of officers and committees.

5.      Correspondence.

6.      Old business.

7.      New business.

8.      Legislative news.

9.      Code issues.

10.  Program.

11.  Election of Officers.

12.  Adjournment.

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